Submission Guidelines

Presentation guidelines
Short paper presentation should be maximum 20 minutes, full paper presentations should be maximum 30 minutes. Please respect this timing to allow for discussion. Projectors and laptops equipped for ppt and pdf presentations will be available in every seminar room. Bring your presentation on a usb-stick. Come to the session room where you are to present at least 15 minutes before the start of the session to put your presentation on the laptop. Please, contact Kaveh and Valentina ( if you have other presentation requirements. 

Short and 'full papers'
The seminar invites full papers that present a coherent piece of research or dissertation chapter, as well as short papers that address methodology, research question or articulate a starting point for PhD research.
Full papers will be organized in thematic sessions. Short papers will be organized in thematic workshops.
A selection of seminar contributions will be published.

Guidelines for full/short papers and submission
Download submission guidelines here.
Download word-template here.

Papers should be sent via e-mail to:

Abstract guidelines
PhD candidates interested in presenting a paper should submit an abstract of maximum 1000 words by May 21st . The scientific committee, taking into account the interest of the themes proposed, will select the papers to be presented during the seminar by July 8th . Upon selection of the various contributions, we will invite respondents in function of the subject of the papers submitted. The selected papers will be submitted in a final version to the scientific committee and to each respondent before September 15th.

Abstracts should be sent via e-mail to:

Please include the following information: Full name, affiliation, e-mail-address, thesis supervisor, working title of dissertation, anticipated date for thesis defense. Indicate if you intend to submit a full paper (4000-8000 words) or a shorter workshop paper (2000 - 2500 words, typically for researchers in the early stages of their PhD discussing research question, thesis set up).

Download call for papers here